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Wonder Woman to Have New 52 Origin in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice”

So… That basically says it right there. Diana will now be just another bastard child of Zeus which, by the way, is literally the world’s oldest cliche. It also has taken the origin story of the most feminist comic book character of all time and made it dependent on a man.

What is that supposed to be at her feet?

What is that supposed to be at her feet?

Producer Charles Roven stated in an interview that she’s “a demi-god. Her father was Zeus.”

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Costume Analysis – Wonder Woman in “Dawn of Justice”

Okay. Right off the bat. We’re not addressing the casting. We’re not talking about Gadot or her acting chops or her figure. We’re just talking costume dynamics.

This is a fan-made composite of the three solo character promotional images. From Reddit.

This is a fan-made composite of the three solo character promotional images. From Reddit.

So let’s get dangerous!

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“Dawn of Justice” Teaser LEAKED!

We can’t embed it, and chances are good that Warner Brothers will delete it as soon as they find it, but click here to watch!


Let us know what you think in the comments! 

Report: “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” Trailer LEAKED

According to kdramastars, the trailer for this highly anticipated (even if only with trepidation) DC comics hero movie has leaked on,one, just before it’s intended debut at SDCC 2014.

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DC Rumoured to Plan 7 Movie Releases in 2 Years

According to Nikki Finke, formerly of Deadline, Warner Brothers is planning to release over a half-dozen live-action movies based on DC Comics properties.

We're getting there... But it probably won't look anything like this.

We’re getting there… But it probably won’t look anything like this.

The schedule is reportedly as follows:

  • May 2016 – Batman v Superman
  • July 2016 – Shazam
  • Christmas 2016 – Sandman
  • May 2017 – Justice League
  • July 2017 – Wonder Woman
  • Christmas 2017 – Flash/Green Lantern team-up
  • May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2


So, a couple of things from this. Assuming that this is accurate…

Apparently, Dawn of Justice is not Man of Steel 2. Man of Steel 2 is going to be a separate movie, released 5 full years after its first installment. That… Seems like bad planning. If/when fans have their little movie marathons, Superman’s going to be aging super-fast. How old will he be by the time the third movie comes out?!



And then there’s BatFleck, who has bulked up a bit, but who still faces a heck of a lot of nerdrage.

Tight shirts help.

Tight shirts help.

Also… Can we not just call it “Captain Marvel?” Are we so sure that audiences are so uninformed as to confused Captain Marvel with Marvel Studios? I mean… I guess, but I’m sick of people calling one of DC’s heaviest hitters by the wrong name.



Also, if DC darkens this character, too, I don’t know what I’ll do with myself.

How tied-in to the rest of the DC Universe is the “Sandman” movie going to really be? Is he involved in JLA shennanigans? It’d certainly be a shake-up, but I don’t know that I would like that. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t, unless the story were truly tremendous.

And speaking of movies that will need a fantastic story for me to really get behind them… GL and Flash? Yeah. I love Green Lantern (the characters, not the movie *barf*), but have little attachment to the Flash. I loved Bart Allen in Young Justice and that was the end of my association with the Speed Force.

Can we get someone OTHER than Hal Jordan? I'd take Guy Gardner over him.

Can we get someone OTHER than Hal Jordan? I’d take Guy Gardner over him.

But the biggest deal here for me, for my Fangirls, and for women and feminists everywhere is going to be the supposed Wonder Woman movie. Will it stay true to the comics, pre-DCnU? Hopefully, as the New 52 origin of Diana of Themyscira has been butchered to make the only truly independently female icon’s beginnings now based on a man.

Also, a few weeks ago, Gal Gadot posted a progress picture of her workout to her Facebook page, certain that her new buff body would finally silence all of the nay-sayers complaining about her being too thing to play the Princess of the Amazons.



Now, maybe it’s the angle. There is some bicep and deltoid definition there, but that’s a hell of a slim brachialis still, so I don’t think that this photo is going to quell any of those fans’ concerns. It certainly isn’t doing anything for mine… I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have little faith in the casting, and I should clarify that I don’t like pretty much all of the casting news that I’ve heard so far, but I am going to go into the movies with as unbiased an opinion as I can. After all, I was pleasantly surprised by Anne Hathaway’s portrayal of Selina Kyle in “The Dark Knight Rises.”

But, really, there is so much that they could do wrong with the character. The story could be garbage, the costume could be wrong, they could over-sexualize her, Gadot may not be a good fit for the character, they could put her together with Superman and make me hate them even more than I did when they cast Amy Adams as Lois Lane.

Worst characterization of a strong female character ever.

Worst (non-cheesecake) characterization of a strong female character ever.

The one thing that Warner Bros really does have going for them is that all of their licensing falls under their own label, so they don’t face the limitations that Marvel has with respect to crossovers between Spider-Man (Sony), X-Men (Fox), and the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy (Marvel Studios).

Of course, Marvel is doing just fine for themselves and DC has been treading water since the mid-90’s.

What do you think of this schedule? Will it work? With WB already pushing back the release date of “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” by a years already, do you think that this schedule will actually be met?

Let us know in the comments!



TFP Presents Our Four Favorite Dads

In honors of Father’s Day, the ladies of the TFP wanted to spotlight some of our favorite dads in the DC and Marvel Universe.


Jonathan Kent

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‘Man of Steel’ Sequel gets a title


Warner Brothers has released the official title to the Man of Steel sequel, the film fans have been calling Batman vs Superman.  The official title is Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.  This does confirm the that movie will be a Batman against Superman.  Not sure how Wonder Woman is supposed to fit into this, but maybe she stops the fight.

This movie will serve as the prequel to Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Justice League which is anticipated to be released in 2018.

Well we all knew they were trying to lead up to a Justice League movie, but I am not sure this is the proper way to go.  The title Dawn of Justice does give us some idea of where they might be going with the movie.  With any luck it will emphasis the different approaches that Batman and Superman have when it comes to justice.  The end of the movie should highlight the similarities that they have when it comes to justice which would explain the creation of the Justice League.  Since the movie is only showcasing a Superman villain as far as we know, Bruce Wayne is probably going to have some business dealings with Lex Luthor.  Since we all know Luthor is shady, it would not be surprising to see Batman investigate Luthor and thus run into Superman.  Doing it that way would be a great way to highlight the differences between Batman and Superman.  I guess we are just going to have to wait and see.

What are your speculations about the movie?

First Set Photo of Gal Gadot as Diana Prince

In an age where anybody with a smartphone can become Paparazzo, it’s getting tougher and tougher for studios to keep things under wraps. Case in point, Instagram user armandarakjian uploaded this photo for all of the Interwebs to gawk at:

Gal Gadot as Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) on the Birmingham, Michigan, set of Man of Steel sequel tentatively titled Batman Vs Superman


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New 52 Comic Review – “World’s Finest” #21

Picking up where last issue left off, this Earth’s evil Ken has opened a portal which supposedly leads to Earth 2, home for Karen and Helena.

And the whole place kind of looks like it's on fire.

And the whole place kind of looks like it’s on fire.


Karen is none too pleased with the idea that this Ken is kind of a douchebag, and physically attacks him while sprouting… I wanna say bad poetry, maybe?

"My lovely Ken." Sounds weird, no?

“My lovely Ken.” Sounds weird, no?

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New 52 Comic Review – “Red Lanterns” #29 (Red Daughter of Krypton)

Red Lanterns #29 came out this week, continuing Kara Zor-El’s spiral into Red Lantern-hood.

We catch up with the RLs on Ysmault, two of the guys debating whether or not to test out this supposedly tremendously powerful weapon.


And the nominations for this year’s Darwin Awards are…

But they do have a pretty sturdy, and even eager target in mind.

I'd be mad, too, if that was my haircut.

I’d be mad, too, if that was my haircut.

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