Monthly Archives: August 2014

Manicure Mondays – Galaxy Nails

Howdy, nerds!

It’s been a little while, but as summer winds down, and Wizard World approaches, nerd news will be
Kicking up again soon.

Today, in our quest to be nerdy and girly, we bring you another fandom-based nail art tutorial.


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MOVIE REVIEW: “Guardians of the Galaxy”

Let me start off by saying, as a fan of “Parks and Recreation,” it was delightful seeing Andy Dwyer in space.

Nah, J/K.

Although there are certainly a good number of goofball moments, Chris Pratt’s performance was a great balance of criminal, hero, dork, and suave muthafucka. His Starlord really rather perfectly captures the qualities of the Everyman.

And then there’s this.



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