Category Archives: Video Game News

“Batman: Arhkam Knight” Batmobile Gameplay Trailer

Howdy, nerds.


News hit a few days back that “Batman: Arkham Knight,” the fourth (console) installment of the stellar Arkham games, had its release date pushed back to early next year. Well, if the following trailer is any indication, this baby is going to be well worth the wait!


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The New ‘Star Wars’ Movies will not Include the Expanded Universe


With the new Star Wars movie being made I know everyone including myself has been speculating about what stories from the expanded universe they are going to use.  Well Lucasfilm has made a statement about the expanded universe:

“Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.”

I agree with this and have always agreed with this, that what Lucas wrote is canon.  Many of the EU authors agree as well since what he wrote has been incorporated into many of the novels, I am finding many instances of what Lucas created in The Legacy of the Force series that I am currently reading.

“In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe. For example, elements of the EU are included in Star Wars Rebels. The Inquisitor, the Imperial Security Bureau, and Sienar Fleet Systems are story elements in the new animated series, and all these ideas find their origins in roleplaying game material published in the 1980s.”

This could mean that some elements from the EU might be included into the film.  What elements, I am not sure but there is a chance that some of our beloved character might not be included.  That makes me sad because Jaina Solo is my favorite Star Wars character.  I know many people were hoping to see Mara Jade who I will admit is an amazing character, the likely hood is that we will not be seeing her.

Since the new film will be dealing with life after Episode VI, Disney and Lucasfilms have reached a decision about how to handle things going forth.

“Now, with an exciting future filled with new cinematic installments of Star Wars, all aspects of Star Wars storytelling moving forward will be connected. Under Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy’s direction, the company for the first time ever has formed a story group to oversee and coordinate all Star Wars creative development.”

“We have an unprecedented slate of new Star Wars entertainment on the horizon,” said Kennedy. “We’re set to bring Star Wars back to the big screen, and continue the adventure through games, books, comics, and new formats that are just emerging. This future of interconnected storytelling will allow fans to explore this galaxy in deeper ways than ever before.”

Everything going forth will be uniformed, that does not mean they are getting rid of our beloved stories and characters, all of those novels will still be available, under a new legacy banner.  If they choose not to use any of these characters in the new movie then we will not be seeing any new tales involving them.  I don’t know about the rest of you but I am kind of hoping that they will decide to use the Skywalker/Solo family.  I would love to see more from them, well I would love to see more from Jaina.

New canon stuff is coming and we will be able to check them out:

“On the screen, the first new canon to appear will be Star Wars Rebels. In print, the first new books to come from this creative collaboration include novels from Del Rey Books. First to be announced, John Jackson Miller is writing a novel that precedes the events of Star Wars Rebels and offers insight into a key character’s backstory, with input directly from executive producers Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Greg Weisman.”

What do you think about the EU probably not being used in the new Star Wars films, books, video games, etc.?

Rocksteady reveals more about Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman - Arkham Knight Logo

Rocksteady has released more information about the upcoming Batman: Arkham Knight game which is the final installment in the Arkham series.  There are a lot of really cool thing that will be happening in this game that makes it just a bit different from the first two games.

The game starts about 12 months after Arkham City, with the Joker presumed dead and the Scarcrow is now in charge.  The game will be introducing a new villain that Rocksteady says is original to their games.

New villain for Batman: Arkham Knight

New villain for Batman: Arkham Knight

This is a villain that we have never seen before but is described as being the Anti-Batman.  We can look forward to battling a new villain in this game.

Some of the other changes is that we can now drive the Batmobile, that is rather awesome.


The Batmoblie has the tank look from Christopher Nolan’s Batman series so I am expecting a lot of great things from it.  Also we will have more of Gotham to play with this time, the entire city has been built.


Since players will have all of Gotham to play with that should lead to a lot more fun moves, jumps, and flying.  A few new moves have been created for the game such as grapple reversals and the ability to use gadgets while in the air.  We will also be seeing Oracle for the first time in person instead of just over the com-link.

Oracle (Pre New 52)

Oracle (Pre New 52)

Kevin Conroy will be back as the voice of Batman, let’s be fair no one else should ever been the voice of Batman.  The game will be released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.


Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer released

A trailer for the final installment of the Batman Arkham series has finally been released.

I have to say I like the trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight, as much fun as I had wandering around Arkham Asylum in the first one I like wondering around Gotham more.  I am excited about the fact that this game will let you drive the Batmobile, I know that is something us fans have been waiting for.

In the game the Scarecrow unites villains such as Penguin, Two-Face, and Harley Quinn to destroy Batman forever.  Harley Quinn might actually be a playable character based on pro-order map challenges.

The game is due out this year.