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“Gotham” S1E3 Recap – “the Balloonman”

Howdy, nerds. PattyinRealLife here filling in for ChristenaGarcia this week, bringing you a recap of last night’s episode.

Let’s just jump right in.

Last week ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.

About time.

About time.


Last night’s episode opens with Penguin’s return to Gotham, heralded by a series of petty thefts just within his own line of sight, and a story being broadcast on the news about Bernie Madoff a fellow named Danzer who is charged with a massive Ponzi scheme.

Enter: The Balloonman.

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Gotham: Selina Kyle Recap


Here we are at the second of Gotham, but I enjoyed the first episode it was great to get a feel for the characters and to meet most of the main players.  The Penguin betrayed Fish who betrayed Falcone, Gordon “shot” The Penguin.  Bullock is a dirty cop and a drunk but we already knew that.  The Wayne’s were killed and Gordon plans on doing everything to bring their killer to justice.

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Gotham: Series Premiere Recap


Here is it the series premiere of Gotham which we have all been waiting for, well I know I have.  I am super excited for this, I am hoping they don’t disappoint.

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What We Would Like to See Happen on ‘Gotham’


I know we are all very excited for the new Gotham show, I bet we all have things that we would like to see happen.  I wanted to go over the list of some of what I would like to see happen over the series, not just the first season because we all know that this will be the set up season for the show.

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First Look at ‘Gotham’

There is a first look trailer out for Gotham, where they give us some more footage of the show but also explain more about it.

I will say this, every trailer or video I see for the show looks amazing so I am really hoping that the show looks like this for real and that its not just some amazing editing job.  Here are somethings that they went over in this video that I really like.

  • I like the fact that the show will be more of a detective show then another comic show.  I like this because I feel like they can do more with the show if they focus on that element and just make sure to make the DC characters the main cast.  What I think people forget sometimes is that a lot happens in Gotham; drug deals, murder, rape, muggings, poverty, etc.  Everyone gets focused on the villains that they forget there are other aspects of the city that Batman fights.  If they focus on that then we will really get to see the destruction and corruption of this city and why Batman is needed.  I am sure that all the other gritty aspects of Gotham are what caused the villains to become who they are.  I think making this a detective drama and using the characters that we know and love as the main cast is the right idea.  This way we can see how they become who they are and why Gotham is so bad.
  • I also like how they mention more of the villains that have yet to be cast, that tells us they have plans for them and that we will be seeing more villains throughout the show.  I guess right now they are seeing how the show does and if it does well then they will be adding more.  I am looking forward to seeing more of the villains pop up.
  • I am intrigued to learn more about Gordon, since he really is the main focus.  We all know Batman’s story, we have read it and seen it a millions times.  We really don’t know Gordon’s, so I have been enjoying seeing all of his scenes.  He looks like an interesting character that it will be great to see how he becomes the police commission and how he manages to keep is good heart and undying belief in the city.

I think if they writers and creators keep going the way that they are this show could do really well.  It already has an amazing following just from DC alone.  Everyone knows that Batman is the bread and butter of the DC universe.  It was smart for the show to include little Bruce Wayne as a cast member.  I think this show has a lot of potential to do really well.

What did you like about this video? What are you looking forward to the most?

‘Gotham’ spotlights some of the villains

In a new short clip from Fox’s Gotham, they spotlight Catwoman, The Penguin, and Fish Mooney.

The clip is short but it does tell us that young Selina Kyle, Oswald Cobblepot and Fish Mooney are going to major villains.  I am not sure if it’s for the whole series or if it is just for the first season. I’m pretty is it will be for the whole series, well maybe not for Fish Mooney since the Penguin works for her.  At the same time it is nice get a slight idea how these villains are going to be worked into the series.  We already know that The Riddler and Poison Ivy are also going to be in the series and have already been cast.  The Riddler is working in the forensics department of the Gotham PD.  Fish Mooney is a business women/crime boss in the city.  The Penguin is one of her low-level thugs, it looks like she sends him out to do some of the beatings.  Young Selina Kyle is just a little thief that should not be cornered.  It looks like Gordon and Bullock might have their work cut out for them with this crew.  There is still talks of bringing in the Joker which could also mean seeing Harley Quinn.  As well all know there is a long list of Batman villains still left to be introduced.  I am very interested to see how they put this all together.

‘Gotham’ Character photos

Character photos have been released for Gotham:

goth-06-camren-publicity-0515-rc-01738 goth-10-david-publicity-0948-rc-ecdf6 goth-44-sean-publicity-3536-rc-d7f4f goth-39-jada-publicity-two-3195-rc-d40ff goth-41-robin-publicity-3330-rc-b7df8 goth-33-erin-publicity-2681-rc-25726 goth-14-zabryna-publicity-1268-rc-a-1-be338 goth-28-donal-publicity-2321-rc-a-e207c goth-15-ben-publicity-1317-rc-9f940


In order from top left, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Fishy Mooney, Oswald Cobblepot, Barbara Kean, Captain Sarah Essen, Detective Harvey Bullock, Detective Jim Gordon.

What do you think of these pics?  Do you think the show has been casted well?

I personally think they did a great job casting the show, without knowing who is playing who I would be able to tell by most of the pics.  Since there are not many images of these characters younger, the show did a good job of picking people who could look like a younger versions of their character or an actor who played that character.

You will be able to check out Gotham on Mondays before Sleepy Hollow this fall.

Official Trailer for Fox’s New Show ‘Gotham’

Fox has released the official trailer to their new show Gotham.

I have to say I am really liking the trailer, the casting for the show has been really good.  The trailer was done really well, it gave a great introduction to how the show is going to go and who we are going to meet.  The trailer is well put together so I am hoping the show will also be as good.  I know Fox ordered this as a straight to series so that gives me hope the show is going to be promising.  I am looking forward to checking out the show this fall.

Who else will be checking out this show in the fall?

A synopsis and logo for Fox’s Gotham


Gotham has released the logo and official synopsis for the upcoming TV show. Let’s check out what they have to say:

“Everyone knows the name Commissioner Gordon. He is one of the crime world’s greatest foes, a man whose reputation is synonymous with law and order. But what is known of Gordon’s story and his rise from rookie detective to Police Commissioner? What did it take to navigate the multiple layers of corruption that secretly ruled Gotham City, the spawning ground of the world’s most iconic villains? And what circumstances created them – the larger-than-life personas who would become Catwoman, The Penguin, The Riddler, Two-Face and The Joker?”

“GOTHAM is an origin story of the great DC Comics super villains and vigilantes, revealing an entirely new chapter that has never been told. From executive producer/writer Bruno Heller (“The Mentalist,” “Rome”), GOTHAM follows one cop’s rise through a dangerously corrupt city teetering on the edge of evil and chronicles the birth of one of the most popular super heroes of our time.”

This part we already knew about, we knew the show would deal with mostly with Gordon and a young Bruce Wayne. We also knew that we would be seeing some of the iconic villains only younger.

“Growing up in Gotham City’s surrounding suburbs, James Gordon (Ben McKenzie, “Southland,” “The O.C.”) romanticized the city as a glamorous and exciting metropolis where his late father once served as a successful district attorney. Now, two weeks into his new job as a Gotham City detective and engaged to his beloved fiancée, Barbara Kean (Erin Richards, Open Grave, “Breaking In”), Gordon is living his dream – even as he hopes to restore the city back to the pure version he remembers it was as a kid.”

I like this part; we always knew that Gordon was an idealist, which is what made Gordon who he was. Much like Batman, Gordon believed that Gotham could be saved, which is one of the reason’s why he teamed up with Batman in the first place.

“Brave, honest and ready to prove himself, the newly-minted detective is partnered with the brash, but shrewd police legend Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue, “Sons of Anarchy,” “Terriers,” “Vikings,” “Copper”), as the two stumble upon the city’s highest-profile case ever: the murder of local billionaires Thomas and Martha Wayne. At the scene of the crime, Gordon meets the sole survivor: the Waynes’ hauntingly intense 12-year-old son, Bruce (David Mazouz, “Touch”), toward whom the young detective feels an inexplicable kinship. Moved by the boy’s profound loss, Gordon vows to catch the killer.”

In the Batman Begin’s movie, Gordon was one of the cops on duty when the Wayne’s were killed. He is one of the first people to comfort a young Bruce Wayne. Having Gordon vow to catch their killer will be a great way to connect Gordon and Wayne throughout the series. I like the description of hauntingly intense for young Bruce Wayne because they seem like a very Batmanesqe description. We all know that once Bruce’s parents are killed he stops being a child anymore.

“As he navigates the often-underhanded politics of Gotham’s criminal justice system, Gordon will confront imposing gang boss Fish Mooney (Jada Pinkett Smith, The Matrix films, “HawthoRNe,” Collateral), and many of the characters who will become some of fiction’s most renowned, enduring villains, including a teenaged Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman (acting newcomer Camren Bicondova) and Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor, “The Walking Dead,” Another Earth).”

It says that Gordon will run into these characters, which makes complete sense. I really hope Bruce runs into Selina, because I would love to see their interaction evolve. It would be so cute and innocent to start and then evolve into something more provocative and sexy. I have been shipping Batman and Catwoman since I was a little kid watching Batman Returns in theaters, I have been shipping them the longest. They did say Selina is a skilled pickpocket, she could very easily pickpocket Bruce Wayne, I am just saying.

“Although the crime drama will follow Gordon’s turbulent and singular rise through the Gotham City police department, led by Police Captain Sarah Essen (Zabryna Guevara, “Burn Notice”), it also will focus on the unlikely friendship Gordon forms with the young heir to the Wayne fortune, who is being raised by his unflappable butler, Alfred (Sean Pertwee, “Camelot,” “Elementary”). It is a friendship that will last them all of their lives, playing a crucial role in helping the young boy eventually become the crusader he’s destined to be.”

I am interested in seeing how the friendship between Bruce and Gordon plays out. I could see it being pivotal in helping Bruce becoming Batman. Gordon is a good detective and probably in the comics has figured out that Bruce Wayne is Batman, if a young Tim Drake can do that, then I am sure Gordon can.

I like the synopsis; I know the show obviously will not be exactly like lore because of how they are doing it. I am expecting something similar to Smallville. The logo looks great, it looks dark and gritty which is how Gotham needs to look. I am wondering if they are going to go with Joe Chill not only being the person who killed Bruce’s parents but also being the Joker. That is one of the possible origin stories for the Joker. Let’s be fair no one knows the Joker’s actual age.

I am very curious to see how this show goes.

Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle have been cast

Gotham is back in the news; David Mazouz has been cast as young Bruce Wayne.

David Mazouz

I know many of us have been wondering who they would cast in this rather important role.  They have chosen to go with a lesser known actor. Mazouz biggest role was on Touch.  Bruce Wayne is described as “serious and soulful, and relies on the guidance and protection of Alfred Pennyworth and James Gordon.”

They have also cast actress/dancer Camren Bicondova as young Selina Kyle.

no printing allowed

This is a big one for me since Catwoman is my favorite comic book character.  Bicondova is mostly a newcomer to the acting world.  Selina Kyle is described as “a teenage orphan who is suspicious and wholly unpredictable. She’s a street thief and skilled pickpocket who is dangerous when cornered.”  I am happy they mentioned skilled pickpocket because I was guessing that is how her and Bruce Wayne would meet.  The fact they are making her an orphan tells me that they might stick to her actual background, because Selina Kyle was a young orphan as well.  Her mom killed herself and her father drank himself to death, leaving Selina and her sister Maggie alone.

I have to say that I will be checking this out, since Batman is my favorite DC comic.  I am really hoping they do a good job with it, because I will seriously cry if they don’t.