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Costume Analysis – Wonder Woman in “Dawn of Justice”

Okay. Right off the bat. We’re not addressing the casting. We’re not talking about Gadot or her acting chops or her figure. We’re just talking costume dynamics.

This is a fan-made composite of the three solo character promotional images. From Reddit.

This is a fan-made composite of the three solo character promotional images. From Reddit.

So let’s get dangerous!

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First Look at Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Hercules!

The trailer drops tomorrow, but The Rock tweeted out a single screenshot of himself all decked out in Ancient Greek glory. Check it out here:


No Lion pelt yet?

No Lion pelt yet? ALSO, please don’t try to make this a superhero thing.

Fans of Johnson have seen the wrestler making bigger and bigger gains of muscle, first for “Pain & Gain,” and now for “Hercules: The Thracian Wars.” I’ll admit that, at first, I was skeptical of the casting, but this shot is much better than I expected it to be.

But now, I’m just concerned that this thing was directed by Brett Rattner… Who is awful.

Based on Steve Moore’s graphic novel of the same name, we should expect to see a world-weary Hercules, plus a small group on companions, reveling in battle, until the King of Thrace hires them to train his army to be the greatest in the world, and are confronted with how ruthless and barbaric the former heroes themselves have become. So, I imagine a pretty bloody little romp through mangled mythology.

“Hercules: The Thracian Wars” comes out on July 25th, 2014 in the US.



CW’s Complete “FLASH” Costume Revealed

Because this exact textured fabric worked so well for Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man.

Because this exact textured fabric worked so well for Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man.

A promo image has emerged revealing the Flash’s full costume for the upcoming CW solo series. A textured fabric covers the body, which seems like it would actually create drag… Plus armoured bits appear to cover the wrists, the head, and parts of the chest, back, thighs, and calves.

Overall, though, it does stick to the classic Flash red and yellow. Just with that now cliche DC movie superhero costume flair.

What do you think?

Personally… Those gloves look ill-fitted and his shoes look oddly soft.

We’ll post updates as better quality and fuller pictures emerge.




Costume Dynamics: Supergirl

Welcome to the first chapter of Costume Dynamics.  As most of you are well aware, female superheros tend to get the short end of the skirt when it comes to costumes.  Apparently the majority of protective gear or fabric in general went to their male counterparts.  This first chapter will focus on a superhero who doesn’t need to fear even really getting hurt, so her costume should be pretty simple, whatever the hell she feels like.  Yet… it still doesn’t work.  Ladies and Gents, I give you Supergirl!

Pretty much the only blond Kryptonian

Alter Ego: Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers


  • super strength
  • super speed
  • invulnerability
  • flight
  • heat vision
  • heightened sensory

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