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First Look at ‘Gotham’

There is a first look trailer out for Gotham, where they give us some more footage of the show but also explain more about it.

I will say this, every trailer or video I see for the show looks amazing so I am really hoping that the show looks like this for real and that its not just some amazing editing job.  Here are somethings that they went over in this video that I really like.

  • I like the fact that the show will be more of a detective show then another comic show.  I like this because I feel like they can do more with the show if they focus on that element and just make sure to make the DC characters the main cast.  What I think people forget sometimes is that a lot happens in Gotham; drug deals, murder, rape, muggings, poverty, etc.  Everyone gets focused on the villains that they forget there are other aspects of the city that Batman fights.  If they focus on that then we will really get to see the destruction and corruption of this city and why Batman is needed.  I am sure that all the other gritty aspects of Gotham are what caused the villains to become who they are.  I think making this a detective drama and using the characters that we know and love as the main cast is the right idea.  This way we can see how they become who they are and why Gotham is so bad.
  • I also like how they mention more of the villains that have yet to be cast, that tells us they have plans for them and that we will be seeing more villains throughout the show.  I guess right now they are seeing how the show does and if it does well then they will be adding more.  I am looking forward to seeing more of the villains pop up.
  • I am intrigued to learn more about Gordon, since he really is the main focus.  We all know Batman’s story, we have read it and seen it a millions times.  We really don’t know Gordon’s, so I have been enjoying seeing all of his scenes.  He looks like an interesting character that it will be great to see how he becomes the police commission and how he manages to keep is good heart and undying belief in the city.

I think if they writers and creators keep going the way that they are this show could do really well.  It already has an amazing following just from DC alone.  Everyone knows that Batman is the bread and butter of the DC universe.  It was smart for the show to include little Bruce Wayne as a cast member.  I think this show has a lot of potential to do really well.

What did you like about this video? What are you looking forward to the most?