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New images of the Green Goblin from ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’


They have released the first official images of the Green Goblin, while I can say that I like the look of the Green Goblin.  You can see how sinister the character is just by looking at him.  It is also obvious that he took some form of serum to make him look like this.

Amazing S - Harry

The Green Goblin definitely looks different from the way Harry Osborn normally looks.  While you can still tell that the Green Goblin and Harry Osborn are same actor, there are a lot of significant physical changes, which includes the loss of the emo hair.  I do appreciate all the physical changes they made to Dane DeHaan, so that the Green Goblin looks completely different; the hair, the skin, teeth, and even the nose.

Now that I am done talking about the look of the Goblin, lets talk about how Harry Osborn is the Green Goblin.  We all know that Harry takes over the Green Goblin after his father dies.  Norman Osborn has to be the Green Goblin first, by the looks of it they are skipping that part entirely, especially based on this picture:


We all know that Green Goblin is the one who pushes Gwen Stacy, thus causing Peter Parker to kill her while he haves her.  The Goblin that did that was Norman Osborn, not Harry Osborn.  I guess this is not that big of a change but the death of Norman Osborn is what causes Harry Osborn to become the next Green Goblin.  I am guessing that Harry is going to become the Green Goblin the same way his dad did and go after Spider-Man for the same reason.  I guess we will see how this plays out in 2 months, but I will admit I am not fully happy about Harry being the first Green Goblin.